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Transmissible Cancer Group

Selected publications TCG members in italics


Stammnitz MR, Gori K, Kwon YM, Harry E, Martin FJ, Billis K, Cheng Y, Baez-Ortega A, Chow W, Comte S, Eggerston H, Fox S, Hamede R, Jones M, Lazenby B, Peck S, Pye R, Quail MA, Swift K, Wang J, Wood J, Howe K, Stratton MR, Ning Z, Murchison EP. 2023. The evolution of two transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils. Science April 21; 380(6642):283-293, doi: 10.1126/science.abq6453 (full text here:

Hayes AM, Schiavo L, Constantino-Casas F, Desmas I, Dobson J, Draper A, Elliot J, Genain MA, Wang J, Murchison EP. 2023. Transmission of canine transmissible venereal tumour between two dogs in the UK. J Small Animal Practice. March 29. doi: 10.1111/jsap.13607. 


Strakova A, Baez-Ortega A, Wang J, Murchison EP. 2022. Sex disparity in oronasal presentations of canine transmissible venereal tumour. Vet Record. Sep; 191(5):e1794. doi: 10.1002/vetr.1794

Baez-Ortega A, Murchison EP. 2022. Searching for transmissible cancers among the mussels of Europe. Molecular Ecology. Feb;31(3):719-722. doi: 10.1111/mec.16330.


Murchison EP2021. Rising incidence of canine transmissible venereal tumours in the UK. Vet Record. Dec;189(12):472-474. doi: 10.1002/vetr.1299.

Ní Leathlobhair M, Yetsko K, Farrell JA, Iaria C, Marino G, Duffy DJ, Murchison EP 2021. Genotype data not consistent with clonal transmission of sea turtle fibropapillomatosis or goldfish schwannoma. Wellcome Open Research


Kwon YM*, Gori K*, Park N, Potts N, Swift K, Wang J, Stammnitz MR, Cannell N, Baez-Ortega A, Comte S, Fox S, Harmsen C, Huxtable S, Jones M, Kreiss A, Lawrence C, Lazenby B, Peck S, Pye R, Woods G, Zimmermann M, Wedge DC, Pemberton D, Stratton MR, Hamede R, Murchison EP 2020. Evolution and lineage dynamics of a transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils. PLOS Biology. 18(11): e3000926. 24 November. * These authors contributed equally to this work.

Strakova A, Nicholls TJ*, Baez-Ortega A*, Ni Leathlobhair M, Sampson AT, Hughes K, Bolton IAG, Gori K, Wang J, Airikkala-Otter I, Allen JL, Allum KM, Arnold CL, Bansse-Issa L, Bhutia TN, Bisson JL, Blank K, Briceno C, Castillo Domracheva A, Corrigan AM, Cran HR, Crawford JT, Cutter SM, Davis E, de Castro KF, De Nardi AB, de Vos AP, Delgadillo Keenan L, Donelan EM, Espinoza Huerta AR, Faramade IA, Fazil M, Fotopoulou E, Fruean SN, Gallardo-Arrieta F, Glebova O, Gouletsou PG, Hafelin Manrique RF, Henriques J, Horta RS, Ignatenko N, Kane Y, King C, Koenig D, Krupa A, Kruzeniski SJ, Lanza-Perea M, Lazyan M, Lopez Quintana AM, Losfelt T, Marino G, Martinez Castaneda S, Martinez-Lopez MF, Masuruli BM, Meyer M, Migneco EJ, Nakanwagi B, Neal KB, Neunzig W, Nixon SJ, Ortega-Pacheco A, Pedraza-Ordonez F, Peleteiro MC, Polak K, Pye RJ, Ramirez-Ante JC, Reece JF, Rojas Gutierrez J, Sadia H, Schmeling SK, Shamanova O, Sherlock AG, Steenland-Smit AE, Svitich A, Tapia Martinez LJ, Thoya Ngoka I, Torres CG, Tudor EM, van der Wel MG, Vitalaru BA, Vural SA, Walkinton O, Wehrle-Martinez AS, Widdowson SAE, Zvarich I, Chinnery PF, Falkenberg M, Gustafsson CM, Murchison EP2020. Recurrent horizontal transfer identifies mitochondrial positive selection in a transmissible cancer. Nature Communications. Nat Commun 11, 3059*These authors contributed equally to this work.


Baez-Ortega A, Gori K*, Strakova A*, Airikkala-Otter I, Allen JL, Allum KM, Bansse-Issa L, Bhutia TN, Bisson JL, Briceño C, Castillo Domracheva A, Corrigan AM, Hugh R. Cran HR, Crawford JT, Davis E, de Castro KF, De Nardi AB, de Vos AP, Delgadillo Keenan L, Donelan EM, Espinoza Huerta AR, Faramade IA, Fazil F, Fotopoulou E, Fruean SN, Gallardo-Arrieta F, Glebova O, Gouletsou PG, Häfelin Manrique RF, Henriques JJGP, Horta RS, Ignatenko N, Kane Y, King C, Koenig D, Krupa A, Kruzeniski SJ, Kwon YM, Lanza-Perea, Lazyan M, Lopez Quintana AM, Losfelt T, Marino G, Martínez Castañeda S, Martínez-López MF, Masuruli BM, Meyer M, Migneco EJ, Nakanwagi BN, Neal K, Neunzig W, Ní Leathlobhair M, Nixon SJ, Onsare MM, Ortega-Pacheco A, Pedraza-Ordoñez F, Peleteiro MC, Polak K, Pye RJ, Reece JF, Rojas Gutierrez J, Sadia H, Schmeling SK, Shamanova O, Sherlock AG, Stammnitz M, Steenland-Smit AE, Svitich A, Swarisch I, Tapia Martínez LJ, Thoya Ngoka IT, Torres CG, Tudor EM, van der Wel MG, Vițălaru BA, Vural SA, Walkinton W, Wang J, Wehrle-Martinez AS, Widdowson SAE, Stratton MR, Alexandrov LB, Martincorena I, Murchison EP. 2019. Somatic evolution and global expansion of an ancient transmissible cancer lineage. Science. Aug 2; 365(6452). *These authors contributed equally to this work.

Patchett AL, Coorens THH, Darby J, Wilson R, McKay MJ, Kamath KS, Rubin A, Wakefield M, Mcintosh L, Mangiola S, Pye RJ, Flies AS, Corcoran LM, Lyons AB, Woods GM, Murchison EP, Papenfuss AT, Tovar C. 2019. Two of a kind: transmissible Schwann cell cancers in the endangered Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii). Cell Mol Life Sci. Aug 2 doi: 10.1007/s00018-019-03259-2

James S, Jennings G, Kwon YM, Stammnitz M, Fraik A, Storfer A, Comte S, Pemberton D, Fox S, Brown B, Pye R, Woods G, Lyons B, Hohenlohe P, McCallum H, Siddle S, Thomas F, Ujvari B, Murchison EP, Jones M, Hamede R. 2019. Tracing the rise of malignant cell lines: Distribution, epidemiology and evolution of two transmissible cancers in Tasmanian devils. Evolutionary Applications. 14 June.

Wong K, van der Weyden L, Schott CR, Foote A, Constantino-Casas F, Smith S, Dobson JM, Murchison EP, Wu H, Yeh I, Fullen DR, Joseph N, Bastian BC, Patel RM, Martincorena I, Robles-Espinoza CD, Iyer V, Kuijjer ML, Arends MJ, Brenn T, Harms PW, Wood GA, Adams DJ. 2019. Cross-species genomic landscape comparison of human mucosal melanoma with canine oral and equine melanoma. Nat Commun. Jan 21;10(1):353. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-08081-1.

Kosack L, Wingelhofer B, Popa A, Vilagos B, Majek P, Parapatics K, Lercher A, Agerer B, Ringler A, Klughammer J, Smyth M, Khamina K, Rosa DA, Park J, Gunning PT, Bock C, Kubicek S, Murchison EP, Bennett KL, Moriggl R, Bergthaler A. 2018. ERBB-STAT3 axis drives Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease. Cancer Cell. Jan 14;35(1):125-139.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.11.018.

Alison Caldwell, Rachel Coleby, Cesar Tovar, Maximilian R Stammnitz, Young Mi Kwon, Rachel S Owen, Marios Tringides, Elizabeth P Murchison, Karsten Skjødt, Gareth J Thomas, Jim Kaufman, Tim Elliott, Gregory M Woods, Hannah VT Siddle. 2018. The newly-arisen Devil facial tumour disease 2 (DFT2) reveals a mechanism for the emergence of a contagious cancer.  Elife.  Aug 14;7. pii: e35314. doi: 10.7554/eLife.35314.

Ní Leathlobhair M, Perri AR, Irving-Pease EK, Witt KE, Linderholm A, Haile J, Lebrasseur O, Ameen C, Blick J, Boyko AR, Brace S, Cortes YN, Crockford SJ, Devault A, Dimopoulos EA, Eldridge M, Enk J, Gopalakrishnan S, Gori K, Grimes V, Guiry E, Hansen AJ, Hulme-Beaman A, Johnson J, Kitchen A, Kasparov AK, Kwon YM, Nikolskiy PA, Lope CP, Manin A, Martin T, Meyer M, Myers KN, Omura M, Rouillard JM, Pavlova EY, Sciulli P, Sinding MS, Strakova A, Ivanova VV, Widga C, Willerslev E, Pitulko VV, Barnes I, Gilbert MTP, Dobney KM, Malhi RS, Murchison EP*, Larson G*, Frantz LAF*. 2018. The evolutionary history of dogs in the Americas. Science. Jul 6;361(6397):81-85. doi: 10.1126/science.aao4776. *joint senior author

Maximilian R. Stammnitz,Tim H.H. Coorens, Kevin C. Gori, Dane Hayes, Beiyuan Fu, Jinhong Wang, Daniel E. Martin-Herranz, Ludmil B. Alexandrov, Adrian Baez-Ortega, Syd Barthorpe, Alexandra Beck, Francesca Giordano, Graeme W. Knowles, Young Mi Kwon, George Hall, Stacey Price, Ruth J. Pye, Jose M.C. Tubio, Hannah V.T. Siddle, Sukhwinder Singh Sohal, Gregory M. Woods, Ultan McDermott, Fengtang Yang, Mathew J. Garnett, Zemin Ning, and Elizabeth P. Murchison. 2018. The Origins and Vulnerabilities of Two Transmissible Cancers in Tasmanian Devils Cancer Cell. Apr 9;33(4):607-619.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.03.013.

Kwon YM, Stammnitz MR, Wang J, Swift K, Knowles GW, Pye RJ, Kreiss A, Peck S, Fox S, Pemberton D, Jones ME, Hamede R, Murchison EP. 2018. Tasman-PCR: a genetic diagnostic assay for Tasmanian devil facial tumour diseases. R Soc Open Sci. 2018 Oct 3;5(10):180870. doi: 10.1098/rsos.180870.


Ní Leathlobhair M, Gulland FMD, Murchison EP. 2017. No evidence for clonal transmission of urogenital carcinoma in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) Wellcome Open Research 22th June 2:46


Murchison EP. 2016. Cancer in the wilderness. Cell. 166, July 14

Murchison EP. 2016. Transmissible tumours under the sea. Nature. News and Views. June 22 doi:10.1038/nature18455

Strakova A, Ní Leathlobhair M, Wang GD, Yin TT, Airikkala-Otter I, Allen JL, Allum KM, Bansse-Issa L, Bisson JL, Castillo Domracheva A, de Castro KF, Corrigan AM, Cran HR, Crawford JT, Cutter SM, Delgadillo Keenan L, Donelan EM, Faramade IA, Flores Reynoso E, Fotopoulou E, Fruean SN, Gallardo-Arrieta F, Glebova O, Häfelin Manrique RF, Henriques JJ, Ignatenko N, Koenig D, Lanza-Perea M, Lobetti R, Lopez Quintana AM, Losfelt T, Marino G, Martincorena I, Martínez Castañeda S, Martínez-López MF, Meyer M, Nakanwagi B, De Nardi AB, Neunzig W, Nixon SJ, Onsare MM, Ortega-Pacheco A, Peleteiro MC, Pye RJ, Reece JF, Rojas Gutierrez J, Sadia H, Schmeling SK, Shamanova O, Ssuna RK, Steenland-Smit AE, Svitich A, Thoya Ngoka I, Vițălaru BA, de Vos AP, de Vos JP, Walkinton O, Wedge DC, Wehrle-Martinez AS, van der Wel MG, Widdowson SA, Murchison EP. 2016. Mitochondrial genetic diversity, selection and recombination in a canine transmissible cancer.Elife  May 17;5. pii: e14552.

K. F. Castro, A.Strakova, M. Tinucci-Costa and E. P. Murchison. 2016. Evaluation of a genetic assay for canine transmissible venereal tumour diagnosis in Brazil. Vet Comp Oncol. 2016 May 2. doi: 10.1111/vco.12205.


Pye RJ, Pemberton D, Tovar C, Tubio JMC, Dun KA, Fox S, Darby J, Hayes D, Knowles GW, Kreiss A, Siddle HVT, Swift K, Lyons AB, Murchison EP*, Woods GM*. 2015. A second transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils. PNAS. 113(2): p. 374-9. *joint senior author

Hamede RK, Pearse AM, Swift K, Barmuta LA, Murchison EP, Jones ME. 2015. Transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils: localised lineage replacement and host population response. Proc. Royal Society B. 282(1814). pii: 20151468

Strakova A and Murchison EP. The cancer which survived: insights from the genome of an 11,000 year-old cancer. 2015.Curr Opin Genet Dev. 30:49-55


Villar D, Berthelot C, Aldridge S, Rayner TF, Lukk M, Pignatelli M, Park TJ, Deaville R, Erichsen JT, Jasinska AJ, Turner JMA, Bertelsen MF, Murchison EP, Flicek P, Odom DT. Enhancer evolution across twenty mammals. Cell. 160:554-566 (2014)

Strakova A and Murchison EP. The changing global distribution and prevalence of canine transmissible venereal tumour. BMC Vet Res. Sept 3;10:168 (2014)

Murchison EP, Wedge DC , Alexandrov LB, Fu, B, Martincorena I, Ning Z, Tubio JMC, Werner EI, Allen J, Barboza de Nardi A, Donelan EM, Marino G, Fassati A, Campbell PJ, Yang F, Burt A, Weiss RA, Stratton MR Transmissible dog cancer genome reveals the origin and history of an ancient cell lineage. Science. Jan 24;3436169:437-40 (2014)

Comments in:

Hiding in plain view – an ancient dog in a modern world, by H. Parker and E. Ostrander Science, Jan 24;3436169, 2014, and

The origin and evolution of an ancient cancer, by I. Lokody, Nature Reviews Cancer and Nature Reviews Genetics AOP, published online 11 February 2014; doi:10.1038/nrg3676


Bender HS, Murchison EP, Pickett HA, Deakin JE, Strong MA, Conlan C, McMillan DA, Neumann AA, Greider CW, Hannon GJ, Reddel RR, Graves JA. Extreme telomere length dimorphism in the Tasmanian devil and related marsupials suggests parental control of telomere length. PLoS ONE 79:e46195 (2012)

Nilsson Janke MA, Janke A, Murchison EP, Ning Z, Hallström BM. Expansion of CORE-SINEs in the genome of the Tasmanian devil. BMC Genomics. May 6;131:172 (2012)

Murchison EP, Schulz-Trieglaff OB, Ning Z, Alexandrov LB, Bauer MJ, Fu B, Hims M, Ding Z, Ivakhno S, Stewart C, Ng BL, Wong W, Aken B, White S, Alsop A, Becq J, Bignell GR, Cheetham RK, Cheng W, Connor TR, Cox AJ, Feng ZP, Gu Y, Grocock RJ, Harris SR, Khrebtukova I, Kingsbury Z, Kowarsky M, Kreiss A, Luo S, Marshall J, McBride DJ, Murray L, Pearse AM, Raine K, Rasolonjatova I, Shaw R, Tedder P, Tregidgo C, Vilella AJ, Wedge DC, Woods GM, Gormley N, Humphray S, Schroth G, Smith G, Hall K, Searle SM, Carter NP, Papenfuss AJ, Futreal PA, Campbell PJ, Yang F, Bentley DR, Evers DJ, Stratton MR. Genome sequencing and analysis of the Tasmanian devil and its transmissible cancer. Cell. Feb 17;1484:780-91 (2012)

Comment in:

“Community Choice: Tracking Taz’s transmissible cancer”, highlight of most viewed papers in science, Nature 483:513; 29 March 2012

Deakin JE , Bender HS , Pearse AM, Rens W, O’Brien PC, Ferguson-Smith MA, Cheng Y, Morris K, Taylor R, Stuart A, Belov K, Amemiya CT, Murchison EP, Papenfuss AT, Graves JM. Genomic restructuring in the Tasmanian devil facial tumour: chromosome painting and gene mapping provide clues to evolution of a clonally transmissible tumour. PLoS Genetics Feb;82:e1002483 (2012)


Lee S , Paulson KG , Murchison EP, Afanasiev OK, Alkan C, Leonard JH, Byrd DR, Hannon GJ, Nghiem P. 2011. Identification and validation of a novel mature microRNA encoded by the Merkel cell polyomavirus in human Merkel cell carcinomas. J Clin Virol Nov;523:272-5 (2011)

Spierings DC, McGoldrick D, Hamilton-Easton AM, Neale G, Murchison EP, Hannon GJ, Green DR, Withoff S. 2011. Ordered progression of stage-specific miRNA profiles in the mouse B2 B-cell lineage. Blood 17720:5340-9 (2011)

Tovar C, Obendorf D, Murchison EP, Papenfuss AT, Kreiss A, Woods GM. 2011. A tumor-specific diagnostic marker for transmissible facial tumors of Tasmanian devils: immunohistochemistry studies. Veterinary Pathology Online. 486,1195-1203 (2011)

Murchison EP and Adams DJ. 2011. Sequencing Skippy: The genome of an Australian kangaroo Macropus eugenii. Genome Biology. 12:123 (2011)

[Comment on Genome sequence of an Australian kangaroo, Macropus eugenii, provides insight into the evolution of mammalian reproduction and development, Genome Biology, by Renfree et al. 2011]


Murchison EP, Tovar C, Hsu A, Bender HS, Kheradpour P, Rebbeck C, Obendorf D, Conlan C, Bahlo M, Blizzard CA, Pyecroft S, Kreiss A, Kellis M, Stark A, Harkins TT, Marshall Graves JA, Woods GM, Hannon GJ, Papenfuss AT. 2010. The Tasmanian devil transcriptome reveals Schwann cell origins of a clonally transmissible cancer. Science. Jan 1 3275961:84-7 (2010)

Comment in:

“Journal club: A molecular biologist explores how new genomic tools can be applied to wild animals”, by Petr Svoboda, Nature 465:529 3 June 2010


Murchison EP. 2009.  Clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils. Oncogene 27: S19 – S30 (2009)

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